How do you Forecast for SEO?

Forecasting SEO traffic with Facebook prophet and python

Automated forecasting is something that has historically been difficult for SEOs because of the level of complexity + potentially disruptive factors like unpredictable algorithmic shifts & real world factors like Covid-19.

You also want to be able to be transparent about how much your SEO activities will contribute towards any growth outside of the current trajectory.

However that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying and reviewing in a quarterly basis. There’s key technologies we can utilise that use time series data based on additive models like Facebook’s Phophet

It will require a little bit of Python knowledge but here’s a few resources and templates about how to automate everything from rankings, traffic and revenue: 

If anyone else has any other innovative ways of forecasting drop a comment 🕺🏻

Author: Daniel Liddle

Global SEO expert specialising in strategy, content, data, tech and automation.